yoga Day
Yoga was celebrated with enthusiasm on 21st June 2023 at Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School.
Preparation for yoga day began on 15th June 2023. Various activities were conducted for all the classes
Std 5: Asana Drawing
Std 6: Bookmark on yoga
Std:7 Poster making
Std 8: Poster making
Yoga session was also conducted for the students of 8th to 10th by Mrs. Smitha Keni and Mrs Sulaksha Sardessai in the school basement hall. They focused on the key concept of meditation which is the need of the hour. She also said that students will be able to increase their concentration if they practice meditation regularly. They also demonstrated some asanas and exercise, which will help them to relax their body and mind. Yoga Posters were displayed all over keeping in mind Yoga day.
Yoga day began by stating the significance of the day during the assembly. Students of Std 9th performed a dance depicting yoga asanas. Yoga session was conducted for the classes of 5th to 8th , each class did different types of asanas. Yoga day ended with a short yoga session conducted for the teachers also.
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Headmistress Visiting Hours:
Monday to Friday: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School | Green Valley | Porvorim – Pilerne | Bardez – Goa | 403 521.